A happy employee is a productive employee Do you value your employees? Are your employees happy and motivated, or are they discontented and uncooperative? Employee morale can make or break a company’s success and growth. Low productivity, increased absenteeism, and…
Author: Stark (page 10)
It's Time for that Midyear Review!
The year is half over, and it’s time to take stock of how your business is doing. It’s time to figure out what’s working for you and what’s not so you can make the necessary adjustments to help accomplish your…
Tips for Making the Right Hiring Decision
Making the right hiring decision can be instrumental in driving a company’s success or contributing to its demise. Choosing the best individual for the position is not a simple task, however, and many business owners, especially owners and leaders of…
Success Is In The Details. How The Little Things Can Make Or Break Your Business Relationships.
Darn! I’m ten minutes behind schedule. That’s not so long so I don’t have to call and let them know. This project is coming in just a little bit over budget. They won’t mind. Oops! There’s a typo on…
Are You Likeable?
By the time you’re an adult you pretty much know whether or not you’re considered “likeable.” You might profess that you don’t really care if people like you, or you know you have some ingrained habits that make you a…
Make Time to be Healthy
Making time for your health should be one of life’s top priorities, because as the old cliché goes, “Without your health, you have nothing.” I know it’s tough, what with juggling the responsibilities of work and family. But if you…
Trust Your Gut – But Do Your Due Diligence Too
How do you make decisions at work? Are you the type of person who engages in extensive research and mulls over each and every aspect of the situation before you make a move? Or are you more likely to act…
When Only a Phone Call Will Do
When Only a Phone Call Will Do If you’re in my age bracket you can easily remember a time when there was no email. If you wanted to communicate with someone there were but just a few choices. You picked…
Keeping Calm in Any Situation
The ability to stay cool, calm and collected in just about any situation is one of those enviable traits that many people aspire to but can’t seem to make happen. Traffic, employee woes, taxes on Long island (!), family squabbles,…
Ramp Up Your Customer Service Or Someone Else Will Win Your Customers
We all have them. Those customer service horror stories that we repeat over and over again to pretty much anyone that will listen. The repair person who never returned our calls and simply didn’t show up for their scheduled appointment.…