
5 Easy Ways to Keep in Touch with Your Database

5 Easy Ways to Keep in Touch with Your Database

One of the fundamental truths about surviving and thriving in business is to have a robust database of contacts, comprised of clients, dormant accounts, prospects, fellow networkers, and key referral partners with the idea that it is always easier to get new business and referrals from people that know and trust you, rather than strangers that aren’t familiar with your work. It’s also easier to “grow” the business that you already have, rather than always searching for new business.

Even though technology (email) makes it easy to communicate with one person or many persons, staying in touch isn’t easy. It can be difficult to come up with things to say and finding the time to reach out can be a challenge too.

Here are 5 suggestions that can help you be time efficient and effective with your outreach:

Send a monthly newsletter to your entire database

A newsletter provides an excellent way to maintain top-of-mind awareness with your contacts, and newsletter platforms such as Constant Contact and Mailchimp make it very easy to create a professional-looking newsletter without having technical expertise. If creating ongoing content is a problem, there are excellent content writers that can develop articles for you.

Share information and expand your brand on social media

Social media, and especially LinkedIn, offers all B2B businesses an opportunity to post content and share news and information with their followers. It’s important to “connect” on the LinkedIn platform with the individuals and companies in your database, to share your news with them, but even more importantly, for you to be aware of what they are sharing, as well.

Schedule time for telephone outreach

There is nothing as impactful as a telephone conversation with one of your contacts. Particularly in the era of ‘digital’ touches, it seems that the telephone has gone out of vogue. That’s a shame and you should make it a point to buck the digital onslaught all of us receive each day and engage with a specific number of your contacts each week. Mix it up and speak with individuals in each category of your database.

Do e-mail blasts that generate attention and interest

Everyone is impatient and busy and lengthy emails are no longer as well received as in the past. Consider doing “white-board” animations or video ads to build your brand and stay on the radar screen. They pack a lot of punch in 20-40 seconds.

Organize a virtual “event”

While everyone is suffering from some degree of screen fatigue, it is still a very efficient way to connect with your contacts. Consider running a virtual event that is social and akin what we used to do pre-pandemic. There are many platforms that will mimic social events, networking gatherings, and the like. These include Virtual Venue, Event Cube, and AirMeet, and there are many others that may meet your specific needs.

There’s no getting around the fact that “staying in touch” takes time, but there’s also no getting around the old cliché “out of sight, out of mind.” Frankly, that’s worse.

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