This month we are having a GPS promotion you won’t want to miss.
For every hour that you use an office or conference room during regular business hours you will be entered in a drawing for a portable GPS unit. Use the offices and conference rooms for 5 hours during Back-to-Business month and your name will be entered in the drawing five times. Use the offices/conference rooms for 10 hours and your name will be entered ten times. The more you use the offices/conference rooms, the more chances you will have to win.
Anyone who uses the offices/conference rooms for 24 hours during Back-to-Business Month will automatically win a GPS without being entered in the drawing.
Note: to receive any of the above payments, gifts, etc. your account with Champion Office Suites must be current. Only office/conference room hours used during our regular business hours, and paid-for, will be included in the determination of how many entries each client will have in the prize drawing.
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