Our live, Garden City-based remote receptionists do more than just answer your calls — they represent your company and your image. Our telephone reception service is a reliable, affordable alternative to hiring traditional receptionists. No need for you to worry about sick days, lunch hours, lateness, turnover, etc. The service is so seamless and personalized, your clients won’t believe your receptionist isn’t physically in the office with you.
You won’t have to worry about missed calls, missed opportunities, or playing phone tag. We can announce calls to your desk, your cell phone, your home, or any other number you give us. You and your team members can update us on their whereabouts throughout the day, choosing to stay in touch as much or as little as they want. Your clients will need just one contact number for you and your colleagues, making it easier than ever for them to reach you and do business with you. Your customer service profile will soar.