Get the advantage of a Class-A, recognizable corporate mailing address in prestigious Garden City for your business. When you sign up for our mail address service, you’ll receive a locked, private mailbox — we offer several sizes, including a standard mailbox, large mailbox and storage mailbox. If you can’t pick up your mail, we can forward it to your desired location. We can even scan your mail and email it to you. We can also assist you in getting packages to and from your clients, customers and business associates.
During business hours, the Champion Office Suites front reception desk is always staffed with friendly, experienced personnel who sign for your deliveries and can let you know when they arrive, or when your outgoing mail and packages are picked up. If you’re out of town, we’ll forward your deliveries to your designated address, whether it’s around the block or around the world. We can even scan or read your mail to you when it arrives.